Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30, 2007 -- Weather Trivia

Everybody's complaining about how hot the weather is. The high temperature in downtown Los Angeles today was 91 degrees at about 3:00 PM. That's really not that bad...


What was the highest temperature ever recorded for Downtown Los Angeles?


112.0 °F (44.4 °C) on June 26, 1990

The average high temperature in August is 82 degrees.

In August 1999, the NWS moved the official downtown Los Angeles weather station to the USC campus, 3.78 miles (almost 6 km) to the southwest of its previous location near city center at the Department of Water & Power (DWP).

This move resulted in a significant change in weather records which could influence climatic studies of the city.

A comparative study of daily temperatures and precipitation recorded at USC and DWP, clearly shows that the move resulted in a significant decrease in both temperatures and precipitation.

These comparisons show both diurnal and seasonal differences. For the 1999-2006 record, maximum temperatures averaged 1.5oF higher at DWP, but nearly the same for minimum temperatures (mean values being 0.7oF higher at DWP).

Greatest temperature differences between the two stations occur in late summer and early fall, while the winter records showed the least differences.

Aerial photos show the land use differences between the two sites. The USC site resembles a park, with tall shade trees close to the instrument shelter. The DWP site is located on the roof of a downtown parking structure, with no vegetation nearby. The USC site is also closer to the ocean (and sea breezes).

>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<

Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:

* WB6A - Pat - 110
* AC6AJ - Lee - 112
* WB6ATV - Ron - 107
* KE6CZH - Robert - 108
* KG6DBL - Bill - 111
* K6FCC - Khalil - Early Check In
* N6HY - Ernie - 110.9
* KB6IS - Madeline - 108
* KD6JEV - John - 113
* N6KAS - Andy - 113
* KG6KTC - Leon - 111
* NY6L - Jay - 112
* K6LMN - Roger - 113
* KE6MSS - Thomas - 110
* N6NGU - Lee - 112
* W6NVY - Gary - 114
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 115
* KF6PIH - Scott - 111
* K6QVZ - Joe - 113
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by ZQM
* AD6UP - Louie - 112
* WA6USL - Murray - 114
* KF6YBM - Henry - 112
* KF6ZQM - Harry - 111
* N6ZZK - Theo - 118
* K6OTH - Elmer - 108
* KI6JVA - Mark - 116
* KF6MKN - Brad - 111
* KI6EBF - Douglas - 108
* KD6OBM - Noisy...
* KG6WXV - Ralph - 110
* KG6SQA - Madeline - 114
* WA6JWF - Joey - 110
* KI6ERR - Brian - 112

See you all next week.

73. de N6CIZ

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23, 2007 -- Wireless History Trivia

On this date in history... August 23, the first ship-to-shore wireless message in U.S. history is sent by Lightship No. 70 to a coastal receiving station at the Cliff House in San Francisco.


In what year was the first Ship-to-Shore Signal to a U.S. Station made?


August 23, 1899.

"Sherman is sighted," the message said, referring to the arrival of the troopship Sherman, which was returning a San Francisco regiment from the battlefields of the Spanish-American War. It marked the first use outside England of this technology, still in its infancy.

This message was sent during experiments conducted for 17 days with wireless telegraph equipment which was "not entirely successful." According to the ship's log, 6 carrier pigeons were sent ashore with messages during the test period.

Radio communication at sea quickly evolved into an indispensable safety aid for mariners. By the early 20th century ships were able to communicate with each other as well as with shore-based stations. The Japanese navy used radio communication to scout the Russian fleet during the Battle of Tsushima in 1905, a crushing Japanese victory and a turning point in the Russo-Japanese War.

The failure of radio communication played a major role in the Titanic disaster in 1912. The lone radio operator aboard the Californian had switched off his set for the night (as was common aboard vessels carrying a single operator) and never received the Titanic's distress signals. Had someone been at his post, the Californian -- by far the closest ship to the stricken liner -- could have arrived soon enough to save many of the lives that were lost.

To find out more about U.S. Coast Guard Lightships, visit this link:

>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<

Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:

* WB6A - Pat - 1888
* AC6AJ - Lee - 1904
* WB6ATV - Ron - 1907
* KE6CZH - Robert - 1942
* KG6DBL - Bill - 1909
* K6FCC - Khalil - 1907
* N6HY - Ernie - 1900
* KB6IS - Madeline - 1906
* KD6JEV - John - 1921
* N6KAS - Andy - 1913
* KG6KTC - Leon - 1900
* NY6L - Jay - 1901
* K6LMN - Roger - 1906
* KE6MSS - Thomas - 1899
* N6NGU - Lee - 1907
* KD6NIW - Oliver - 1901
* W6NVY - Gary - 1907
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 1895
* KF6PIH - Scott - 1903
* K6QVZ - Joe - 1906
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by ZQM
* KG6TRR - Bob - 1903
* AD6UP - Louie - 1902
* WA6USL - Murray -
* KF6YBM - Henry - 1919
* KF6ZQM - Harry - 1872
* N6ZZK - Theo - 1895
* KG6MZB - Matthew - 1899
* KI6ILV - Rob - 1922
* W6AID - Ara - No Answer
* KF6 MKN - Brad - 1907
* KI6GVX - Ryan - 1907
* KI6JVA - Mark - 1903

Thanks for all your support.

de N6CIZ.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007 -- Free Falling Trivia

Joseph William Kittinger II is a former pilot and career military officer in the United States Air Force.

When assigned to a project to test man's ability to survive high-altitude bailouts, Col. Kittinger made a series of parachute jumps wearing a pressurized suit, from a helium balloon.

Joseph Kittinger

He made his most significant jump on This Day In History... Aug. 16, 1960, when he stepped from a balloon-supported gondola at the altitude of 102,800 feet. The jump set records that still stand today: the highest ascent in a balloon, the highest parachute jump, the longest freefall, and the fastest speed by a man through the atmosphere.


How fast was Col. Kittinger traveling when he set the record for the fastest speed ever reached by a human without a vehicle?


614 MPH which is 90% the speed of sound (Mach 0.9).

Automatic camera recording Kittinger as he leapt from the Excelsior balloon

Col. Kittinger volunteered for three combat tours in Vietnam and served as commander of the famous 555th "Triple Nickel" Tactical Fighter Squadron flying F-4s. He downed a MiG-21 before he himself was shot down on May 11, 1972, after which he spent 11 months in captivity as a prisoner of war.

He retired as a colonel in 1978. He won the Gordon-Bennett balloon races in 1982, 1984 and 1985 before accomplishing his most ambitious feat, a solo balloon crossing of the Atlantic. Living in Orlando, Fla., he is Vice President of Flight Operations for Rosie O'Grady's Flying Circus.


Another great article on Kittinger is at

>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<

Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:

* WB6A - Pat - 1000 MPH
* KE6CZH - Robert - 150 MPH
* KG6DBL - Bill - 172 MPH
* W6DTS - Ted - 700 MPH
* K6FCC - Khalil - 712 MPH
* KB6IS - Madeline - 74 MPH
* KD6JEV - John - 210 MPH
* N6KAS - Andy - 62 MPH
* KG6KTC - Leon - 350 MPH
* NY6L - Jay - 65 MPH
* K6LMN - Roger - 200 MPH
* N6NGU - Lee - 250 MPH
* W6NVY - Gary - 70 MPH
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 1000 MPH
* KD6OBM - Jason - 200 MPH
* KF6PIH - Scott - 500 MPH
* K6QVZ - Joe - 720 MPH
* KG6TRR - Bob - 203 MPH
* AD6UP - Louie - 614 MPH
* KF6YBM - Henry - 300 MPH
* N6ZZK - Theo - 457 MPH
* WA6JWF - Joey - No Idea
* KF6MKN - Brad - 213 MPH


73, de N6CIZ.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

August 9, 2007 -- Smokey Bear Trivia

Happy birthday to Smokey Bear, the fictional character who's mission is to raise public awareness to protect America's forests.


How old is Smokey Bear?


63 years old.

Smokey's debut poster was released on August 9, 1944, which is considered his birthday.

Overseen by the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention Campaign, the first poster was illustrated by Albert Staehle. In it Smokey was depicted wearing jeans and a campaign hat, pouring a bucket of water on a campfire. The message underneath reads, "Smokey says - Care will prevent 9 out of 10 forest fires!"

The Original 1944 Smokey Poster

Smokey's message "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" was created in 1944 by the Ad Council. In a recent study, 95% of those surveyed could finish the sentence when given the first words. In April 2001, Smokey's message was updated to "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires."

Smokey's correct full name is Smokey Bear. In 1952, songwriters Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins had a hit with "The Ballad of Smokey The Bear". The pair said that "the" was added to Smokey’s name to keep the song's rhythm. This small change has caused confusion among Smokey fans ever since.

The fictional character Smokey Bear is administered by three entities: the United States Forest Service, the National Association of State Foresters, and the Ad Council. Smokey Bear's name and image are protected by his very own U.S. federal law, the Smokey Bear Act (Sections 18 USC 711 and 16 USC 580p-2), granting protection that supersedes the limited authorities of both a trademark and a copyright.

Find out more about Smokey at


>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<

Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:

* WB6A - Pat - 50
* WB6ATV - Ron - 56
* KE6CZH - Robert - 60
* KG6DBL - Bill - 50
* W6DTS - Ted - 63
* K6FCC - Khalil - 63-1/4
* KD6JEV - John - 63
* N6KAS - Andy - 53
* KG6KTC - Leon - 56
* NY6L - Jay - 52
* K6LMN - Roger - 50
* KE6MSS - Thomas - 52
* N6NGU - Lee - 52
* W6NVY - Gary - 65
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 54
* KD6OBM - Jason - 55
* KF6PIH - Scott - 77
* K6QVZ - Joe - 53
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by KF6ZQM
* AD6UP - Louie - 55
* WA6USL - Murray - Early 60's
* KF6YBM - Henry - 55
* KF6ZQM - Harry - 75
* N6ZZK - Theo - 82
* K6OTH - Elmer - 60
* KI6JVA - Mark - 50

Thanks to all for checking in and we'll see ya next week. 73.

de N6CIZ

Thursday, August 02, 2007

August 2, 2007 - Barry Bonds Baseball Trivia

Tonight as the San Franciso Giants play the Los Angeles Dodgers, slugger Barry Bonds is chasing the all-time home run record currently held by Hank Aaron.

Aaron hit 755 home runs in his career, and, as of the start of tonight's game, Bonds has hit 754. His next home run will tie him with Aaron, and he will set a new record when he hits number 756.


How many different pitchers has Barry Bonds hit his 754 home runs off of?


444. That's a record for the most pitchers homered off.

He holds numerous records, both in a single season and all time.

Bonds' most significant records include the single season major league record for home runs (73), the second highest career total of home runs (754), being the all time leader in both walks (2517) and intentional walks (675) and having received seven MVP awards.

Other records

* In 1998, Bonds tied John Olerud for the National League record of 15 consecutive plate appearances reaching base. He tied this record again in 2003.

* In 2001, Bonds’ slugging percentage of (.863) set a single-season record. He also slugged .812 in 2004, only the second time in history that a player has bettered .800 twice (Babe Ruth was the other, with .847 in 1920 and .846 in 1921).

* In 2002, Bonds amassed a .582 on-base percentage, breaking Ted Williams' 1941 record of .551. In 2004, Bonds finished with a .609 OBP, the only time a player has bettered .600 over a full season.

* In 2002, Bonds won the National League batting title with a .370 average, becoming the oldest player to win the honor for the first time. In 2004, he won his second batting title with a .362 average.

* During the 2002 post-season, Bonds set the record for most home runs hit in a single post-season (8). Bonds hit .471 with 4 home runs and 13 walks (seven intentional) in the World Series, thereby slugging 1.294 with a .700 on-base percentage. The slugging percentage was a record; the on-base percentage was bettered only by Billy Hatcher in 1990.

* In 2004, Bonds set the single-season OPS record with a total of 1.422.

* In 2004, Bonds became the first player in history with more times on base (376) than official times at bats (373). This was due to the record number of walks, which count as a time on base but not a time at bat. He had 135 hits, 232 walks, and 9 hit-by-pitches for the 376 number.

* Bonds has won the National League Player of the Month award thirteen times which is a record for either league. The next highest in either league is Frank Thomas who won the A.L. award eight times and the next highest total in the N.L. is only six held by George Foster, Pete Rose and Dale Murphy.

A nice writeup on Barry Bonds can be found at the Wikipedia page at:

>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<

Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:

* WB6A - Pat - 50
* AC6AJ - Lee - 173
* WB6ATV - Ron - 84
* KE6CZH - Robert - 70
* KG6DBL - Bill - 298
* W6DTS - Ted - 420
* K6FCC - Khalil - 424
* N6HY - Ernie - 103
* KB6IS - Madeline - 49
* KD6JEV - John - 303
* N6KAS - Andy -
* KG6KTC - Leon - 300
* NY6L - Jay - 83
* N6NGU - Lee - No Answer
* KD6NIW - Oliver - 365
* W6NVY - Gary - 449
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 458
* KD6OBM - Jason - 225
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by KF6ZQM
* KG6TRR - Bob - 325
* AD6UP - Louie - 390
* KF6YBM - Henry - 310
* KF6ZQM - Harry - 475
* N6ZZK - Theo - 289