December 27, 2007 - New Year Trivia
January 1st and the start of a new year is just five days away.
Believe it or not, it took quite a long time before the adoption of the 1st of January as the start of the year became widespread.

For example, in Great Britain and the British colonies, January 1st was not adopted as the start of the new year until 1752.
Before they adopted January 1st as the start of the new year, what date was "New Year's Day" in England?
March 25th.
In England, March 25, also known as "Lady Day" (for the Feast of the Annunciation in the Christian calendar) was New Year's Day up to 1752 when, following the move from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, January 1st became the start of the year.
The logic of using Lady Day as the start of the year is that it reckons years A.D. from the moment of the Incarnation, which is considered to take place at the moment of the conception of Jesus at the Annunciation rather than at the moment of his birth at Christmas.
>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<
Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:
* WB6A - Pat - October 1
* KE6CZH - Robert - July 1
* KG6DBL - Bill - April 6
* W6DTS - Ted - December 25
* K6FCC - Khalil - March 21
* KD6JEV - John - March 1
* N6KAS - Andy - June 1
* KG6KTC - Leon - April 1
* NY6L - Jay - January 5
* K6LMN - Roger - March 1
* KE6MSS - Thomas - July 1
* KD6NIW - Oliver - May 1
* W6NVY - Gary - December 32 (!)
* KG6NWJ - Barry - January 6
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Rosh Hashanah
* AD6UP - Louie - September 2
* KF6YBM - Henry - July 1
* KF6ZQM - Harry - Rosh Hashanah
* N6ZZK - Theo - November 18
* KF6MKN - Brad - March 21
* KB6KMU - Juan - No Answer
* KE6LUI - May 1
Thanks to all for your support throughout the year! Happy New Year!
de N6CIZ
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