December 13, 2007 -- 12 Days of Christmas Trivia
You remember the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" with it's 12 Drummers Drumming, eleven Pipers piping, 10 Lords a leaping, all the way down to two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a pear tree.
Well, if you went out today to buy your true love all of the items mentioned in the song, how much would it cost?
According to the 23rd annual PNC Wealth Management Christmas Price Index survey, the cost of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is $19,507 in 2007, a 3.1 percent increase over last year.

True Loves will have to pay a bit more for the five Gold Rings this year, as the jewelers who provide the prices for the rings report having no choice but to pass increased prices along to consumers as the price of gold continues to rise.
The price of five gold rings now totals $395, a 21.5 percent increase over 2006 prices, but still nowhere close to 1989 prices, when the five Gold Rings hit an all-time high of $750.

As the only unskilled laborers in the Christmas Price Index, the eight Maids-a-Milking make minimum wage, and have not had a raise since 1997. This year, Congress increased their wages by 13.6 percent; bringing the cost of eight Maids-a-Milking for one hour of work to $46.80. The True Love will have to reach deeper into his pockets for the milkmaids in 2008 and 2009, as well - Congress has already approved continued increases to the minimum wage for the next two years.
The cost of most performers in the index - the Drummers Drumming, Pipers Piping and Lords-a-Leaping - rose a modest 3 to 4 percent, due primarily to an increase in the performers’ compensation, reflecting the current labor market in which the unemployment rate is still below 5 percent. Only the price for the Ladies Dancing was unchanged this year, according to Philadanco, a modern dance company in Philadelphia.
Among the feathered friends in the Christmas Price Index, the most notable increase was a 20 percent change in the price for six Geese-a-Laying, provided by the National Aviary.
Most of the other bird prices in the index remained even with last year’s rates, thanks to steady supply and demand for Partridges, Turtle Doves, French Hens and Swans. Aside from the Geese-a-Laying, only the Calling Birds will cost more in 2007. PNC prices the Calling Birds from a national pet store chain, and prices for Calling Birds (or canaries) were up 25 percent this year, thanks to higher demand and increased shipping costs for retailers.
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>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<
Congratulations to KE6MSS who was closest to the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:
* WB6A - Pat - $5,000
* AC6AJ - Lee - $7,527.62
* KE6CZH - Robert - $2,500
* KG6DBL - Bill - $7,777.77
* W6DTS - Ted - $18,388.88
* K6FCC - Khalil - $19,602.55
* N6HY - Ernie - $10,000
* KB6IS - Madeline - $4,900
* KD6JEV - John - $3,100
* KG6KTC - Leon - $25,00
* NY6L - Jay - $12,500
* K6LMN - Roger - $12,000
* KE6MSS - Thomas - $19,000
* N6NGU - Leigh - $20,000
* KD6NIW - Oliver - $8,955
* W6NVY - Gary - $8,888
* KG6NWJ - Barry - $250,000
* KF6PIH - Scott - $3,500
* K6QVZ - Joe - $8,000
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by ZQM
* KG6TRR - Bob - $17,000
* AD6UP - Louie - $18,920
* KF6YBM - Henry - $0 (Let the government pay for it!)
* KF6ZQM - Harry - $93,000
* N6ZZK - Theo - $6,543.21
* WA6QAG - Max - $20,000
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