July 26, 2007 -- Telecopter Trivia
Today we think nothing of seeing high speed pursuits and other "Breaking News" broadcast live from a helicopter - in High Definition!
The very first helicopter built to broadcast live TV pictures and sound was developed by KTLA Channel 5 right here in Los Angeles, and they named it the Telecopter.
The KTLA Telecopter was introduced to the Los Angeles audience on July 29th of what year?
July 29, 1958.

Close up of "Telecopter" National Helicopter built and operated for KTLA in the late 50's and early 60's. Bell 47G2
KTLA's Chief Engineer at the time, John Silva, got the idea of designing and building a flying mobile news unit to beat the competition to breaking news events.
On July 3rd, 1958 Silva and pilot Larry Scheer made the first test flight at the Van Nuys Airport.
In 1974, during a period of lean years caused by an industry recession, KTLA sold the Telecopter to KNBC in order to reduce the cost of doing local news. KTLA received $350,000 for the Telecopter.
A really great story about this can be found in the newsletter at: www.tech-notes.tv/Archive/tech_notes_137.pdf
More photos and KTLA historical info is at: http://aznewsletters.s5.com/custom4.html
Congratulations to all who got the answer to tonight's Trivia Question and a hearty thank you to everyone for playing along. Here is the list of stations that checked in to tonight's net along with their answers:
>>>>>>>> NET CHECK IN's <<<<<<<<
* WB6A - Pat - 1961
* AC6AJ - Lee - 1959
* WB6ATV - Ron - 1950
* KE6CZH - Robert - 1947
* KG6DBL - Bill - 1953
* W6DTS - Ted - 1958
* K6FCC - Khalil - 1959
* N6HY - Ernie - 1960
* KB6IS - Madeline - 1968
* KD6JEV - John - 1958
* N6KAS - Andy - 1956
* KG6KTC - Leon - 1950
* NY6L - Jay - 1961
* K6LMN - Roger - 1955
* KE6MSS - Thomas - 1954
* N6NGU - Lee - 1956
* KD6NIW - Oliver -
* W6NVY - Gary - 1954
* KG6NWJ - Barry - 1963
* KD6OBM - Jason - 1959
* KF6PIH - Scott - 1958
* K6QVZ - Joe - 1957
* KG6RDA - Sidney - Checked in by ZQM
* KG6TRR - Bob - 1958
* AD6UP - Louie - 1955
* WA6USL - Murray -
* KF6YBM - Henry - No Answer
* KF6ZQM - Harry - 1958
* N6ZZK - Theo - Checked in by ZZK
* K6OTHJ - Elmer - 1963
* KI6JVA - Mark - 1967
* WA6JWF - Joey - 1955
* KA6LUI - David - 1953
* K6DWL - David - 1959
Thanks to all who checked in. Se ya next week!
73. de N6CIZ.
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