November 16, 2006 - NO Trivia!
Well, I didn't get a chance to come up with a trivia question tonight so you guys are getting off easy. And... EVERONE gets credit for getting the answer right!
Here's the check in's to tonight's net.
WB6A - Pat
WB6ATV - Ron
KE6CZH - Robert
W6DTS - Ted
K6FCC - Khalil
N6HY - Ernie
KD6JEV - John
N6KAS - Andy
KG6KTC - Leon
NY6L - Jay
K6LMN - Roger
KE6MSS - Thomas
KD6NIW - Oliver
W6NVY - Gary
KG6NWJ - Barry
KD6OBM - Jason
KF6PIH - Scott
K6QVZ - Joe
KG6RDA - Sidney
AD6UP - Louie
WA6USL - Murray
KG6WXY - Ralph
KF6YBM - Henry
KF6ZQM - Harry
N6ZZK - Theo
KI6FUB - Ted
KI6FUD - Jeff
KA6LUI - David
N6GZS - Ralph
KB6CUS - Ted
KE6HWO - Wayne
Thank you to all for checking in to the net. Remember - there will be NO NET next Thursday night - it's Thanksgiving Day! Happy Turkey Day to all!!!
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