February 2, 2006 Net Report
Happy Groundhog Day! Well, Punxsutawney Phill came out of hibernation today and saw his shadow. That means 6 more weeks of winter weather. Of course, so far OUR winter weather has been pretty mild so... six more weeks of 70 degree weather sounds good to me!
Here's a picture of Phil making his weather prognostication today at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Penn.

In honor of Groundhog Day, Who was the first American President to meet Punxsutawney Phil?

- Jimmy Carter
- Bill Clinton
- Richard Nixon
- Ronald Reagan
Trivia Answer:
- Ronald Reagan met Phil on a trip he (Phil) made to Washington D.C. in May 1986.
From Punxsutawney Phil's Official Website comes the following:
Over the course of Phil's appearances, Phil has had numerous noteworthy highlights:
- During Prohibition Phil threatened to impose 60 weeks of winter on the community if he wasn't allowed a drink.
- In 1958 Phil announced that it was a "United States Chucknik," rather than a Soviet Sputnik or Muttnik that became the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth.
- In 1981 Phil wore a yellow ribbon in honor of the American hostages in Iran.
- Phil traveled to Washington DC in 1986 to meet with President Reagan. He was joined by Groundhog Club President Jim Means, Al Anthony and Bill Null.
- Phil met Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburg in 1987.
- In 1993, Columbia Pictures released the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray.
- Phil appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in 1995.
- In the years following the release of the movie, record crowds numbering as high as 30,000 have visited Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney!
- In 2001, Phil's prediction was shown live on the JumboTron at Times Square in New York City.
- Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell attended the ceremonies, making him the first sitting governor ever to do so.
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The following people checked in to the net tonight. Those marked with a * got the correct answer to the trivia question.
- WB6A Pat *
- AC6AJ Lee *
- KE6CZH Robert *
- KG6DBL Bill
- W6DTS Ted
- K6FCC Khalil
- N6HY Ernie
- KD6JEV John
- N6KAS Andy *
- WA6KFI Rick *
- KG6KTC Leon
- NY6L Jay
- K6MJB John *
- KD6NIW Oliver *
- W6NVY Gary
- KG6NWJ Barry
- KF6PIH Scott
- K6QVZ Joe
- KG6RDA Sidney *
- KF6RMC Michael
- KG6TRR Bob
- WA6USL Murray
- KG6WXY Ralph
- KF6YBM Henry
- KF6ZQM Harry *
- N6ZZK Ted
Thanks to everyone for checking in and supporting the net!
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